Do you need to increase your job and life satisfaction in the long run? You will get practical guidance on how to do it, and we will also take you through the complex topic of life management.

2-day course
14 hours training
Certification exam: NO
Refreshments: ANO
Course language: ENG, CZ
- You will learn how to improve and streamline your work performance and improve your work organization
- You will learn how to distinguish real priorities from what is “only” urgent
- You will learn how to analyze work tasks and time losses and the principles of daily organization
- Learn how to apply the recommended techniques to specific work situations
- You will create an action plan aimed at learning new perspectives and time management techniques, which should result in greater work efficiency and personal satisfaction
- Recognize that a meaningful life is not based on how fast we do something, but on what we do and why we do it
- Extensive training materials
- Time Management worksheets and exercises
- Certificate of completion
- An action plan to guide them after the course
The course is intended for everyone (managers, consultants, specialists, etc.) who feel that there is room for raising their job and life satisfaction and are interested in maintaining it in the long term.
The course does not require any prior knowledge.
- BELIEVE it – History of Time Management, Proactivity, Brain
- DREAM it – Life role, Vision, Let’s start with a thought of the end
- COLLECT it – The First Filter, Everything at one place – tools and process
- ORGANIZE it – Sorting, Project planning, First steps from big tasks
- PRIORITIZE it – Urgency vs. Importance, 4 Quadrant Matrix
- PLAN it – Yearly and weekly planning, Big stones first
- MAKE it A HABIT – Rythmical life, How our brain works, Habits and more
- HAVE ENERGY FOR it – Energy, Sharpening the saw, Regular review
The most comprehensive look at leadership. Embark on a journey with a clear map, up the leadership spiral.
How to understand all stakeholders in a project? Learn the skill of effective stakeholder relationship building and win their support.
Better position yourself to communicate with authorities and lawyers by mastering knowledge of barriers. Experience negotiation first-hand.